Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kim Jung Il's Ghost May Be a Personal Trainer

Yahoo has a great story about North Korea's Om Yun Chol, a 123-pound man who clean-and-jerked three times his body weight at the Olympics. When asked how he did it, he said this:
"How can any man possibly lift 168kg? I believe the great Kim Jong Il looked over me."
A few things:

  • Did Kim Jung Il ever look over any adults when he was alive? That may have been difficult.
  • Did Kim Jung Il ever go to a gym? North Korea's former Fearless Leader was never in danger of qualifying for the Olympics himself. I'm guessing he was a pudgy 4'10" 180lbs.
  • If Kim Jung Il's ghost is a personal trainer, what are his motivation tactics?
  • How much does he charge per hour? If he's a ghost, he has no need for money, but he is a celebrity.
These are all questions that I'll investigate if I ever meet Om Yun Chol. How much would you pay the ghost of Kim Jung Il to spot you while you bench pressed?

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