Friday, July 20, 2012

The Time Ted Dawson Danced with Shannon Davis

As we gear up for another KXLF Live Show from Evel Days here in Butte, let's reflect on one of the most interesting moments in my brief time here: the time Ted Dawson and Shannon Davis started dancing at the end of the folk festival show.

There are a few amazing details about this. The first is that Ted managed to get through the entire two-minute segment while dancing. That's a lot of cardio for him. The second is that Ted initially offered to dance with Jamie, who (wisely) declined. And if you watch her face when Ted and Shannon start dancing, you'll see just how happy she is with her decision.

But Shannon is a natural, and has years of dancing lessons under her belt. Jamie likes to joke that Shannon bases her sense of direction by where the nearest dance studio is. She played along and it was great TV. And, naturally, I held onto the video. For as often as I seem to wind up in the Monday Flush, I couldn't let this one go without giving it some extra attention.

Look forward to our live show from Evel Days on Friday at 5:30. Sadly, Ted will be starting his summer vacation and won't be there to dance with anyone. There's always next year.

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