Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Butte High QB Misses Meeting, Flips Tires

Ever missed a meeting at work? It's hard to look your boss in the eye afterwards. Ever had your boss tell you to go flip a tire across a football field for punishment? Butte High quarterback Dallas Cook has.

Head Coach Arie Grey, upset that Cook missed a special teams meeting, sentenced him to a round of tire flips. As you'll see in the video, Cook took his medicine, but still didn't agree with it.

I agree with Cook, but he is the team leader, so I guess he should know what the whole team is up to. But maybe this quote from coach Grey makes the punishment understandable:

"I'm a fan of tire flips," he says.

So if Arie Grey is ever your boss, you should go to every meeting. All of them.

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