Thursday, September 27, 2012

Updated: NFL Replacement Ref from Frontier May Not Have His Old Job Back Until Next Year

Overpopulation was fixed, diseases were cured, and world hunger was eliminated late last night when the NFL and the NFL Referees Association came to an agreement that ended the two-month lockout. The regular refs are back Thursday night, so they can make calls like this:
So much better than the replacements.

Jim Core
But if you're Jim Core, a Frontier Conference official before his pro debut on September 5th for the Giants-Cowboys game, this may be a problematic development.

According to Supervisor of Football Officials for the Frontier Conference Neil Peterson, Core is not on the schedule at the moment, and there's a "good chance" that he won't be back in the conference this season.

Citing concerns about spending several months learning the pro game and transitioning back to college, which Core "did not prepare for" this season, Peterson says Core may not ref more than a few games at the end of the season, if he works any at all.

Peterson also emphasized that Core is one of his better officials, and added, "I don't think he was much of a problem for the NFL."

Update: When reached by phone, Core says the NFL has advised him not to speak with the media for a week, but when asked if he was worried about re-adjusting to college rules and officiating those games, he said, "Not at all. Not at all. The field's still 100 yards long and they still play the same football. The rules are not that different."

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